Wonderful post! We had a flock of waxwings in the bare street trees in front of our house today. No berries, but they clearly had indulged earlier in the day since the berries were coming out the other end on my husband's car. :-)

I was remarking on how jumpy they were, taking off if someone walked even 20 feet from their tree. Just what you described. Love these birds.


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Wow. I too am quite enamoured with Cedar Waxwings. I first discovered them while working on Yerba Buena Island in the middle of the Bay. We had an old Admiral's house as our office and it had a big patio with a huge berry bearing tree next to it. These birds would appear and just go ham and cheese on these berries. We could stop working and watch for as long as they were there it was so entertaining. I love the bird photos you posted and your discovery of these berry crazed birds. They are in my top 10 of favorite birds to watch.

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Beautiful photos, Sara! Your patience is enviable. Thank you very much for sharing this story, folks!

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I am so impressed with the tenderness that Sara shows in her photos. Lovely. Zoe Stein

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Great photos.

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We had about 40 who ate every berry on the privet that grows between our neighbor’s yard and ours. Much to the dismay of the mockingbird who thought they all belonged to him.

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Lovely photos!

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People may well tell you that Pyracantha is poisonous to birds. It’s a dubious theory at best. Thanks for mentioning Oyster Catchers with a photo, they’re great goofy birds.

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