Sep 5, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

25.7 lbs?!! Bravo Josh!!!

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Reminds me of the old Jewish joke: The food there is inedible...and the portions so small.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Seems like you weathered a storm that I hear about more often these days. Glad you escaped unharmed. Very sad to hear about all the bird woes at the marina. Your journey will pay off well i the end; glad you've found creative outlets to keep your mind onto pleasant things wherever you can. Rooting for you all the way!!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Your experience with some psycho is consistent with some encounters I've had over the years with people while doing field work in streams and rivers. Something about bodies of water draws crazy people more than you'd expect. As to the birds, an El Nino event is building now along your coast so as water temperatures increase, fodder fish near shore are fewer in number. That's bad news for birds like murres, especially young ones. Congrats on keeping to the torture and losing weight.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Writing that makes you laugh out loud is high on my list of great gifts. I thank you. There's lots of talk of isolation these days, and the fully inhabited bird & people world you describe in "Through field glasses, darkly" has the quality of a neighborhood pub or cafe. Sometimes the characters are not doing too well, or lash out, or somebody actually dies, but there are also babies and a freshly assigned nickname for a newcomer like Greg, and the relief of spotting a regular like George. Glad you got that last crumb of fudge bar.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Your talk of dieting and birding reminded me of the expression "Eats like a bird", which is usually meant to describe someone who eats very little. But that's wrong, because birds have to eat constantly! As it helpfully notes on the big bag of peanuts we bought to feed visiting crows, it takes a lot of energy to fly!

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I'm glad you've been able to find joy and solace in birdwatching. I've been thinking of taking it up myself since becoming obsessed with the board game Wingspan. Are you familiar with it? The art is stunning and it's a terrific way to learn how to identify different species on sight. If you like games at all, I strongly recommend checking it out: https://stonemaiergames.com/games/wingspan/

There's also an online version: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1054490/Wingspan/

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People have told me about Wingspan - thanks for reminding me about it, Karin!

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Week #7

I’m glad your karma improved and it’s fun to see the journey with the photos.

As Jimmy Buffett passed away, I’d like to share these links for your enjoyment as you continue to lose weight!

gotta be dreaming of those cheeseburgers!



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