Mar 8, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Oh man, this was great, Josh! That arpeggio was pretty good, BTW! In tune, for starters - which is huge for young violinists. My sense is you gave up way too soon on that. Loved your Dad's heartfelt voice, your wonderful harmony, too. Many thanks, again, for sharing all this and for being such a good human. I look forward to what's next, Sara

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

I loved that medley, beginning with The River Is Wide and going on to the two rounds. That little-boy you was keeping right up! But also it gave me such a sympathetic view into what felt to be your father's soul...adding to the beautiful complexity of what you portray in your varied monologues. Thanks for this!

Also you've given me courage to try again to retrieve my Mac files from the nineties, long after going over to the, ahem, dark side.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Great to hear you and your father singing.I have an old tape recorder and thanks to your story, I will ask DeNoise if they would like to have it.

Subscriber and viewer of many Josh plays/monologues, speeches

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Josh Kornbluth

Your father had a lovely voice. So sweet of you to share this glimpse of your musical upbringing with us. <3

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